Here’s a large directory of links recommended for students (and some for parents, too).
K-3 resources French
K-4 resources French
Foundation Skill Assessments (FSAs)
- FSA online access
- Grade 4: ENREAD4 or ENNUM4
- Grade 7: ENREAD7 or ENNUM7
- FSA Sample activities (for anyone to try)
- Brainpop-en français
- Chansons en français
- Dictées PGL
- FreeRice Game (Eng. or Fr.)
- Le Bon Patron
- La Souris
- M. Simon
- Radio-Canada Zone Jeunesse
- TFO Enfance
- TFO Jeunesse
Language Arts – English
Math sites
Science sites
Library Link for Students (needs to be linked through your learn68 account)
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