Please phone the school between 8:00 am and 9:00 am if your child will not be at school that day (unless you previously informed the teacher or secretary). The number is 250-754-2722.
Please have your child come to school dressed for the weather. All children play outside at recess in all weather!
Please mark all your child’s belongings with his/her full name (first names only or initials can be confusing). A “Lost and Found” box is located by the gym. Check it regularly for missing items.
Parking on school property is extremely limited. Unfortunately, this means that almost all parking must be on the street. Remind your child to look for traffic and to use the crosswalk.
The service road in front of the school is for school vehicles and emergency vehicles ONLY. Students may be dropped off by pulling over along the fence, but this area is not for waiting or parking. Please take the time to keep all of our children safe. Remember safety before convenience.
Park in designated parking spots if you need to leave your vehicle. Also, to keep visibility lines open for the safety of all pedestrians, please respect the yellow curb lines in front of the school as no parking areas. Designated spaces are available just outside the front entrance to the school for individuals with physical handicaps.
Bicycles and other Wheels
Children may ride bikes to school as long as they wear helmets, ride safely, and obey the rules of the road. Please use a suitable lock to secure bikes and scooters to the bike rack. Keep a spare key or note of the combination number at home. Neither the school nor the District can take responsibility for loss or damage to bicycles (or other valuables) however caused. Please do not allow children to bring roller-blades, heelies or skateboards to school.